Mail Some Education

Postcards to Doctors is a program where we will gather information about doctors who gaslighted, misdiagnosed and/or mistreated you to make them more aware. The underlying idea is that doctors who gaslight people based on only a visual assessment have a kind of self-perpetuating bias. If they tell you nothing is wrong with you, and you never come back to them, they can go forward with the belief that they were right. Because this happens so often to disabled people we wanted try to change this.

Filing official complaints and lawsuits is costly to us, physically and emotionally, risks our future access to medical care, and rarely results in any kind of resolution.

We want another option. An easy option. The idea right now is that we will collect information to be solely used to send anonymous postcards.

We will not use the information submitted through this form for any other reason, we will not give access to the data to anyone else, we will not collect patient's name or information, and we will hold the data as strictly confidential in all other regards. We will maintain the email list separately from this data. As soon as we get enough submissions, and funding to send them, we will mail out postcards.

The postcards will be simple plain text and will say, "Hello Dr. _____. I came to you about ___(symptoms), you said "_____" and did _____. It turned out to be ____ (eventual diagnosis.)"

Please fill out the form below to add your postcard to the list. Come back to this page for updates on mailing and funding. As soon as we can get the technology set up we will also generate postcards that you can print and mail yourself.